Power of Attorney
A durable power of attorney deals with assets of someone that has become incapacitated; designating an individual, spouse, close relative or companion to make decisions on your behalf. Having a durable power of attorney in place will prevent court proceedings that would assign a person to gain the authority.
Two types of power of attorney should be included in your complete estate planning process: financial and medical. A durable financial power of attorney designates someone to manage your finances that encompass banking, monthly bills, mortgage/rent payments, insurance, taxes, government benefits, investments and property management. A durable medical power of attorney is signed while the individual is competent; designating a person termed an “agent” to make health care decisions should the principle become incapacitated and unable to make those decisions. The agent may make the decisions once the attending physician certified incompetency in writing or you can choose to make it effective immediately. Patricia Scoles will guide you toward the right decision for your individual situation. The Law Offices of Patricia M. Scoles assists clients in the critical decision-making process with regard to the most appropriate person that should carry the responsibility of this authority.